Tuesday, January 15, 2008

To Go Pro Or Not To Go Pro?

This argument comes up every year around NBA and NFL draft time. People that argue that the system is hurting the kids when it entices them to leave early are kidding themselves because these people only want the kids to stay in college to make their own college teams better!!

Which is better for a college kid? Leaving after his junior year of college, signing a nice fat contract with the Miami Dolphins or staying in college for what he thinks is one more year to maybe improve his status, then blowing out his knee in some awkward blocking situation – and never playing football again.

As a college-graduated, licensed Professional Engineer I can tell you this: I would LOVE to get just one year’s pay from a NFL Rookie Salary!! These people that try to come across as the altruistic saints of college athletes are lying. They always want to argue about “what will he do if he loses his money?” How many of these SAME people volunteer for Big Brother/Big Sister? If you say you’re SO worried about these kids and you want someone to actually believe you…worry about them before they’re rushing for 1,500 yards.

These people don’t care about the athletes – they care about their own college teams and are only interested in the kids so long as they’re helping their own team!

The draft for these student athletes is a real-life Deal or No Deal…and they better take the money while it’s being offered.


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