Friday, June 22, 2007

The Arkansas State Fighting Farmers!!

The best posts are the ones that you don't have to add any commentary to...

Check out this news story from Jonesboro’s Channel 8 website. I’ll give you the punchline of the story. They have a poll: “We have compiled a list of the most suggested mascot names received from Region 8 viewer email. Please select the mascot name you would most like to see ASU adopt.” Ridge Runners, Red Wolves, Diamonds, Scarlet A's, Woodpeckers, Mosquitos (Skeeters), Tornadoes, Fighting Farmers, Hellbenders and Gorillas.

The Gorillas nickname is a callback to an OLD ASU nickname used back in 1928…but really, the Mosquitoes? The Woodpeckers?? Fighting Farmers?? Is this the best they can come up with since they can’t use Indians?


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