Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Springdale Babies

There's been a lot of talk about Malzahn leaving and was he lied to by Houston Nutt. Coach Nutt probably DID tell Gus Malzahn that he would be able to open up the offense for Arkansas. Nutt probably said something pretty close to these exact words, "Hey, uh, Gus. I really like your style of offense. How would you like to come to Arkansas and help me get that offense into the SEC?"

And Houston Nutt may have had full intentions of doing just that when he had his conversation with Gus Malzahn. Then McFadden and Jones showed up and lit the SEC on fire and the best 1-2 running back combination in the country with McFadden finishing 2nd in the Heisman Trophy race. For that group of Springdale babies to think that Arkansas should have ignored that and just let Gus throw the ball around the field like he’s Coach Spurrier, Jr. is just insane. It would be the equivalent of Scottie Pippen’s mom complaining to Phil Jackson that he’s giving the ball to that Jordan guy too much.

Have fun in Tulsa, boys…we already have a mediocre quarterback, and his name is Casey Dick. We certainly don’t need another one who thinks WAY too highly of himself for someone who threw 9 Interceptions and 10 Touchdowns during the season. If they want to leave then leave, but don’t act like Arkansas pulled a bait and switch. I don’t think anybody in Hog Nation expected McFadden to go nuts like he did this season. If you want to win, you ride the fast horse. Not the one that falls down once for every step it takes.

Malzahn and Mustain need to realize that we had a couple of moderately good running backs that carried the team this year. Mustain did nothing to impress me. Malzahn may not have quite as much success when he gets away from McFadden and Jones. And when you look at Mustain, teams left him wide open to throw where he wanted to…and he still never did anything to prove that he was as good as he supposed to be. He was 8-0 as a starter due strictly to the running game.

Casey Dick was adequate as the Quarterback placeholder on the field – and from what I saw, they should leave the QB off the field, put in another blocker and direct snap to McFadden every play and let him decide whether to keep it himself or hand it off to Jones. Maybe Malzahn will take Mustain with him. I’m tired of the dual quarterbacks and I’m tired of the little baby’s whining to the AD. Take your ball and go home, baby. We won despite having you as quarterback, Mitch Mustain.


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