Fratello Fired
"Mike Fratello Relieved of Head Coaching Duties with the Memphis Grizzlies"
That's the Headline to the Grizzlies story on the main site. Personally, I like my alliteration better - but as long as somebody else is coaching the team, I don't care how it's said.
I have no idea how Barone will do as coach...but he can't do much worse. The story on CNNSI spun the story in a "boy they sure missed Pau and now poor Mikey is getting all the blame."
They did miss Pau - which would be expected considering that this team was built around him. (Much like Memphis missed DeAngelo) But Pau isn't the lightning rod spark that caused the team to be slower than molasses in January with him being gone.
Fratello's fired and it's about 2 months too late!